Acorn Squash with Orange Marmalade

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1 med. acorn squash, halved
1 Tbsp. orange marmalade
1 tsp. butter
Preheat oven to 400°. Remove seeds and strings from squash halves. Cut small piece off outside of each half to make a flat space on which the half can stand level.

Place halves in a shallow pan or casserole in 1/4 inch water with insides facing down. Bake for 35 minutes.

Combine marmalade and butter in a small dish. Remove squash from oven, invert in pan or dish. Salt lightly.

Spread marmalade mixture on edges of squash, allowing excess to run into center. Place under broiler for 5 minutes or until lightly browned.

2 servings : Charles Nyström Sublett

  • Substitute brown sugar for the orange marmalade

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